Books we recommend Shame and Co-Dependency John Bradshaw: The Shame that Binds You John Bradshaw: Homecoming John Bradshaw: Creating Love Pia Mellody: Facing CoDependence Pia Mellody: Facing Love Addiction Byron Brown: Soul Without Shame Rokelle Learner: Living in the Comfort Zone Robert Subby: Lost in the Shuffle Alice Miller: The Drama of the Gifted Child Healthy Relationships Harville Hendrix: Finding the Love You Want Harville Hendrix: Getting the Love You Find Marion Solomon: Love and War in Intimate Relationships Transpersonal Therapy A.H. Almaas: The Diamond Heart Series A.H. Almaas: The Pearl Beyond Price A.H. Almaas: The Point of Existence Forest Carter: The Education of Little Tree Osho Osho: Sex Matters Osho: Satyam Shivam Sunderam Osho: The New Dawn Osho: Maturity Osho: Courage Trauma Peter Levine: Waking the Tiger Peter Levine: Healing Trauma Marianne Ekberg: Victims of Cruelty Robert W. Firestone: The Fantasy Bond Sexuality Barry Long: Making Love Diane Richardson: Tantric Love Marnia Robinson: Peace Between the Sheets Addiction Patrick Carnes: Don’t Call It Love Craig Nakken: The Addictive Personality