Online Event
With Krish and Amana
Becoming Grounded in Being
How not to let
world events and personal life challenges
pull us into negativity
In this Live Online Event, we are exploring how to navigate challenging world events and personal life challenges without succumbing to negativity.
It’s natural that we get deeply impacted by people and events around us, however it is crucial to begin to become more grounded in being, so we have a direct connection to life regardless of what is happening around us.
Painful events, whether on a global scale or in our personal lives, can cause fear, contraction, and a sense of helplessness. We sometimes underestimate how profoundly we get affected and how difficult it can be to stay grounded and not be pulled into the collective energies around us.
It can deeply impact our sense of well-being and trust in life.
It is much easier to harden, judge, take sides in a conflict or numb ourselves, rather than open to and deeply feel the pain and helplessness.
This contraction and fear create a sense of separation and mistrust and from that place we easily move to some addiction to soothe ourselves.
In this event we will be exploring how to develop a greater zone of tolerance to be able to handle painful life events.
More precisely, in this online event, we will be exploring:
1. How painful circumstances affect us and throw us off center.
2. How compulsive and habitual it can become to expose ourselves to negativity.
3. How easily it is to become disturbed and react automatically to the feelings, opinions, and moods of those close to us.
4. We will be taking a closer look at our own beliefs and opinions and explore the fears that lie underneath.
5. We will explore how to cultivate inner space, resilience and trust in life.
It is in English only with no additional translation.
with Love,
Krish and Amana