This Video Class is in English without additional translation.
Note : You can purchase this video class at any time, the recording will be available in your account from April 30, 2020.
We are devoting this class to the topic of abandonment not only because it can be provoked in many ways during this difficult time for all of us but also because it is so basic to the work.
So much of our inner disturbance, anxiety, and suffering comes directly from this wound.
The problem is that most often we are not aware of this wound and how easily it gets provoked.
It can show itself in difficulties being alone, feeling restless, angry, and irritated. It can show itself in having judgments, feeling entitled to having our expectations met from a partner, friend, or spiritual guide, or from a general sense of not being at ease inside and not being able to truly relax and let go into each moment.
It can also manifest itself as not being able to deeply let somebody in, because we may be terrified of being rejected and eventually losing the other person.
There can also be many behaviors that we use to avoid facing or feeling this emptiness inside such as addictions, distractions, rage attacks, trying to fix, change, blame, or analyze someone close to us, isolating, pretending that we don’t need anyone, or hiding behind roles and masks.
Of all our wounds this is in some ways the deepest and most profound…and because of this depth it also has the greatest potential to take us to our core; our silence, stillness and joy of being.
In this class, we would like to provide tools and guidance for dealing with this wound when it arises in your life.
Learning to be with our abandonment wound and facing our inner emptiness is a doorway to connecting with a deep inner peacefulness and enables us to truly enjoy our aloneness and togetherness.
We are following the same format that we have done in past Video Classes which includes some teaching, followed by questions, and then ending with a short guided meditation.
with Love,
Krish and Amana