Online Event
With Krish and Amana
Exploring our Defenses
Looking at what prevents us from going deeper
In this Live Online Event, we are exploring our defenses.
Defenses and protective strategies are painful because they create separation, and they also cause contraction, tension, and anxiety.
When we protect ourselves from getting hurt we also protect ourselves from getting nourished; whether from outside connections or from deeper inner connection.
There are important reasons that we each built our protective strategies. Often our journey to get to know ourselves and learn to open to loving ourselves and another begins with recognizing and accepting our defenses.
In the Learning Love Work, we explore our defenses and protective strategies by looking at two different styles.
One includes our chronic and often habitual and unconscious ways we armor ourselves from feeling pain, shame, or fear.
The other are the more acute ways that we react whenever we feel unloved or unsafe.
In this online event, we would like to bring light to both our chronic and acute defensive styles and recognize and become more familiar with each of our unique ways.
We would also like to explore more deeply what is underneath and the reasons that we need and still feel we need to cover our vulnerability.
It is in English only with no additional translation.