Online Event
With Krish and Amana
Intimacy and Sexuality
Discovering Deeper Sensitivity and Connection
Tuesday May 4
10 am - 1 pm (Arizona) / 19.00 - 22.00 (Central Europe)
Price - $75
Hi everybody,
In this online event, we would like to explore a deeper, more sensitive, and more connected approach toward sexuality.
It is based on our book, “When Sex Become Intimate – How Sexuality Changes with Deeper Intimacy”.
Connection in lovemaking depends entirely on the qualities of trust and safety. Often, we have betrayed our bodies and our sensitivity by making love in ways that are not right for us.
Perhaps we have felt that our boundaries were not being respected or that we were unable to set boundaries. Perhaps we have not even been able to know and express what we need while making love.
Many of us may have experienced different kinds of traumas related to sexuality in the past or more recently. We may have felt repressed, humiliated, or even abused. These experiences may still have an effect on our life today by feeling shame about our sexuality, being unable to express our energy freely, by experiencing dysfunctions, by feeling fear and contraction in the body, or by avoiding sex altogether.
Sex usually changes over time in a relationship. At first, we may feel that everything is going smoothly, and the sexuality is wonderful. As we open more deeply, we naturally become more vulnerable, and may begin to experience some of the issues mentioned above.
Fears and insecurities may come up that we were not aware of. We may find that the way we make love is no longer nourishing and only leaves us feeling empty and without a deeper connection to our partner.
In this online event we would like to gently explore the wounds connected to our sexuality and learn to become more sensitive to our bodies, become aware of and learn how to express our needs, and learn how to communicate with another person about this delicate subject.
This event is open to singles as well as couples.
We will begin with a short tune-in meditation, followed by a teaching, and then open it up for questions. After a short break, we will be guiding you in a meditation to explore this theme in more depth, and then invite you to go into break out rooms to share one on one with each other.
If you prefer you can also join the event and listen without enabling your video.
It will be in English only with no additional translation.
If you would like to book the online event, you can purchase it on this page (click button above).
Each booking is per person, and it would be best to have your own screen and space.
After signing up by paying, you will receive an e-mail with detailed information (pdf) with the Zoom link to join the Workshop.
You can also get the detailed information and the Zoom link by logging into your account (click here) on our website.
Please note : Before you can access your account for the first time, you need to register (click here) with the email address you have used for purchasing.
To help the process go deeper, we please ask you to not drink any alcohol or take any recreational substances the day of the event.
with Love,
Krish and Amana