This Video Class is in English without additional translation.
In our essence we are all full of joy, fun, love, energy, curiosity and wonder. It is just that our essence has become so covered with our woundedness and we have become so identified with that, that we don’t have access to it any longer.
This is what happens to most people as they become older if there is no awareness. When the life energy of youth wears off, and there is no interest or curiosity to go deeper to discover the true life energy inside and start questioning our conditioning, then what is left is just a feeling of deadness.
Then we may blame the fact that we are older, but this has nothing to do with age. The energy in youth may have masked the fact that there was no true connection to life energy inside and so it only becomes visible later.
Then inevitably life with age slowly becomes boring and dead and we feel dull, uninspired, and perhaps even depressed.
In this Video Class, we begin to bring light to how we can slowly come alive again with a deep awareness of our vulnerability.
We are following the same format that we have done in past Video Classes which includes some teaching, followed by questions, and then ending with a short guided meditation.
with Love,
Krish and Amana