Krish Trobe, M.D. and Amana Trobe
There are many reasons why we enter a love relationship. It might be simply because of physical attraction, a sense of commonality, a need for belonging and security, or a wish to be loved and love in return.
However, a more mature motivation could include all of that but also the awareness that true intimacy is a spiritual and emotional path, and it takes persistent, dedicated, and conscious work – a journey of two souls joining together in the pursuit of truth, of self-knowing, and deep love.
When we commit to this journey, we also commit to using whatever difficulties, conflicts, disappointments, or challenges of any kind to learn to grow and to take us deeper into ourselves and into closeness.
The love flow that we recover in this journey is different from the love flow we came in with. It’s seasoned by the challenges, pain, and traumas we’ve experienced, by overcoming our resistance and inclination to give in to despair, and by finding mature meaning and purpose to our life. In this journey, will we always be full of inspiration and energy?
Probably not.
As we encounter losses, failures, and illness, we’re tested. We’re tested to learn to take painful experiences as part of life’s journey to support us to grow and mature, instead of falling into the trap of believing that life is against us or even punishing us. It is a deep life choice how we choose to frame painful experiences. They can either become roadblocks or stepping stones.
Paperback – 174 pages
ISBN: 978-1-7079-2183-6