Online Event
With Krish and Amana
Transforming Our False Identity
Working Through Negative Conditioning
Hi everybody,
In this Live Online Event, we are going to explore the important process of transforming our false and defective sense of self into our true, authentic, essential self.
One of the most important aspects of inner growth is realizing that we are not living our potential. We are behaving in a way that is not corresponding to who we are in our essence.
In psychology, this is called “living in the false self.” The process of inner transformation starts with having the insight that we have been conditioned and are living in the false self and then finding the motivation, courage, and guidance to discover our true self and finding a way to embody that in our actions.
We’ll explore how this false self gets created, and how we have perpetuated it in our thinking and actions. It causes us to make decisions that go against our true nature but often, the false identity is so deep and convincing that we don’t see alternatives. Or if we do, they appear frightening and unrealistic.
It’s only once we become aware how lost we are, how much we have gone against ourselves, and how we have lived and believed values and beliefs that are not true for us that we are ready for a change.
The transformation begins to happen as we see and feel the consequences of living in the false self and choose to move toward truth.
It can be shocking to realize how much we have gone against ourselves and how deeply imbedded we have been and perhaps still are in living falsely.
It is in English only with no additional translation.
with Love,
Krish and Amana