Online Event
With Krish and Amana
In this Online Live Event, we are exploring the concept of the field.
The field is the energetic reality of every situation that we enter into in our daily lives, including our intimate relationships.
It includes all the different environments we are in, in person or online, and each encounter we have with a person or group of people.
There is an objective reality to each field, but it is powerfully influenced by the energy, inner state, and vibration that we bring to it.
The way that we experience reality is very much a result of what we bring to it in terms of our state of consciousness.
We strongly influence how we perceive the field based on our beliefs, expectations, projections, fears, reactivity, anger, and negativity.
In the same way, we strongly influence the field and our perception of the field when we are relaxed, centered, and at ease. Our inner state mirrors the outside.
We are very often not aware of our inner state and the influence it has on reality when we only focus on what is happening on the outside.
It is particularly significant if a certain situation frighten us. Then it is natural to have all our focus outwardly to defend against the threat or perceived threat.
Understanding about the field and seeing what we bring to it is essential for personal empowerment and self-knowing.
It provides a simple way to watch and feel ourselves as we move into different life situations, and it also gives us a tool to separate our own subjective experience from the objective reality of each field.
It can help us to see life and how we interact in our life much more clearly - to get space from our reactions and emotions that sometimes can be very powerful, overwhelming, and disturbing.
Once we begin to take responsibility for our inner state and how that influences our life, our relating and every situation we find ourselves in, our life changes.
It is in English only with no additional translation.
with Love,
Krish and Amana