Krish Trobe, M.D. and Amana Trobe
This book deals with learning how to recognize and grow with the changes occurring in our sexuality as intimacy deepens. Very often, when two people have been together for a while, sex declines or problems develop.
One reason for this is that intimacy creates more vulnerability which brings up our fears and insecurities. Another reason is that emotional issues and conflicts arise which remain unresolved. When these fears, insecurities and conflicts are not dealt with, we can find ourselves avoiding sex, becoming angry and frustrated with each other, developing sexual dysfunctions, feeling increased pressure to perform or seeking other lovers.
Often, we may try to bring back the way sex was in the beginning but these efforts become increasingly stressful and contrived. However, with the understanding and tools to deal with the changes which come, our sexuality, rather than decline, can actually become richer and deeper. In the course of this book, we support the teaching with numerous examples from our own lives and also from participants in our workshops.
Paperback 171 pages, Strategic Book Publishing
ISBN# 978-1-934925-79-9
Strategic Book Publishing
Sweden, Norway, Denmark & Finland