In the course of our seminars and individual work with people around the world, we encounter many people who tell us that they are discouraged because they have done so much therapy work and still they feel that their lives are not as they would like.
Our response is to encourage people not to lose hope and motivation because in our experience, the inner work is not over until we feel fulfillment in five essential aspects of life.
These five aspects of our lives are a good place to look deeper where something may not be flowing.
And where there is pain or discontent, it is a place where tremendous growth is possible.
If we persevere on our inner growth journey, deep inner contentment happens with time.
The five areas of fulfillment include:
- A healthy and flowing relationship to our bodies and our energy.
- A sustained and deepening intimacy.
- A satisfying expression of our natural creative gifts.
- A sexuality that feels in tune with our body and soul.
- A deep sense of meaning, belonging, and connection inside.
If we are not fulfilled in one or more of these areas, it simply means that life is asking us to take a risk in this area.
For instance, if our love life is not working as we would like, it could mean that we need to risk coming out of isolation, refraining from a habit of blaming the other person when we are not getting what we want, or finding the courage to set limits.
If our creative life is not flowing, we might need to risk finding out what our soul purpose is and to put ourselves out in a new way.
If our relationship to our body is unhealthy, we may need to risk eating differently, moving more regularly, or stopping a harmful addiction.
If we are not making love as we would like, we may need to risk discovering and standing up for what our body and soul wants.
And finally, if we are lacking meaning in our life, we may need to risk breaking away from our routines and taking adventures to find out who we are and what life is really about.
Fulfillment and inner growth comes from taking risks and making lifestyle changes.
But in all cases of risk, it will bring up fear, sometimes much fear.
If there is no fear, there is no risk and no growth.
So, to find fulfillment, ultimately, we have to confront our fears, often our deepest fears.
They can be fears of rejection, failure, criticism, judgment, punishment, or someone’s anger.
Change and inner growth begins with a commitment to face our fears.