We offer a program of individual and couples sessions called, “The Sedona Experience.”
This is an opportunity to come to our hometown of Sedona, AZ, USA, for an individual or couples retreat for a few days, a week, or even longer, enjoy the spectacular beauty of Sedona, and take a powerfully transformational inner journey.
It is also possible to do this journey online.
1. The Couples Journey
This is a retreat of 5 or more days for couples who would like to improve the quality of their relating and sexuality and learn how to love and make love consciously. Specifically, in this journey, we will work with:
- Repairing damaged trust.
- Understanding how and why each person gets provoked and the root of these provocations
- Identifying each person’s exit strategies and finding more skillful ways to honor our needs.
- Learning effective ways to honor and express our needs, feelings, insecurities, fears and hurts.
- Learning how to communicate in a loving way.
- Learning sensitive and connected sexuality
During the couple’s exploration, we suggest individual sessions in the morning and a couples session in the afternoon. This provides an in depth exploration of both the individual and the partner dynamics that affect the relationship.
2. The Individual Exploration and Healing Process
This is a journey of 4 days or longer for individuals to learn the basics of self love and loving another. You can decide to have one or two sessions a day.
Specifically, in this journey, we will be working with:
- Understanding and learning to feel the roots of our fears and insecurities.
- Learning to grow through difficult times in our lives.
- Overcoming basic mistrust
- Learning to communicate our needs and feelings.
- Re-igniting our passion, motivation and direction in life.
The price for a one hour Individual or Couple Session with either Krish or Amana is $200.
A one hour Couple Session with both Krish and Amana is $350.
We can provide suggestions for accommodations at various price ranges in Sedona.
After the Sedona Experience, we suggest online follow up sessions, as a way to help integrate the work in every day life.
For more information and booking: info@learningloveinstitute.com