This Video Class is in English with Spanish translation.
Trust is a basic quality that deeply affects all aspects of our lives.
It affects our love life, our friendships, our creativity, energy level, and general attitude toward ourselves, others, and life.
When we are living in a state of mistrust we naturally behave in a way that pushes people and life possibilities away from us, thus affirming our mistrust.
This is a very painful state to be in and not easy to penetrate and get space from.
This is especially true when life shows us all kinds of reasons to mistrust. Then it’s easy to get trapped into believing the mistrust and not see people or the situation clearly for what it is.
Our trust or mistrust shows itself in three ways:
1. How we relate to ourselves either with a basic inner confidence and positivity or full of insecurity and shame.
2. How we relate to others, especially those important to us. Either we dare to let someone really close because we are confident in our boundaries. Or we relate in mistrust where keep people out or live in a fantasy that the other person will always be respectful and loving and then get disappointed when they are not.
3. How we relate to the world and life in general, either with a positive attitude that things will work out okay or if they don’t, trusting that we can deal with whatever situation may arise. Or from the state of mistrust, we constantly anticipate some kind of disaster and hold ourselves back in fear.
In this Video Class, we will be exploring how trust and mistrust affects our life, how the quality of trust, or lack of it, has its origins in our childhood environment, and how we can learn to develop greater trust in life.
We are following the same format that we have done in past Video Classes which includes some teaching, followed by questions, and then ending with a short guided meditation.
Lots of love,
Krish and Amana