Krish (Thomas Trobe, M.D.) with Amana Trobe
This is Krish's second book. It takes the second step of the healing process. The first, covered extensively in the first book, brings awareness and acceptance to the wounds. In this book, he discusses the even deeper root of our woundedness - our negative self-image and deals with how we can break our identication with these old ways of experiencing ourselves. As in the first book, the approach is deeply personal. Each chapter is short and concise and includes exercises that the reader can apply in his or her own life.
It strikes me that one of the deepest questions we face is how to break the old patterns that keep us from experiencing love and joy.
Without the second step, it is possible to get lost in these wounds because what stands between us and love and joy is not just that we have unhealed wounds but that we are identified with them. We repeat our old patterns because we carry a wounded self-image and we believe that this is who we are. We are identified with a wounded "emotional child" inside.
When we are in the child state of mind, when we are in the grips of our emotional child, it is as though we are living in a bubble. The wounded child is inside of this bubble trapped in all his or her beliefs and expectations.
In the next five chapters, I explore what we could call "bubble behavior". These are the main behavior patterns that we move into unconsciously, automatically and compulsively when we are taken over by the emotional child state of mind.
To relate consciously, we have to put the emotional child to the side and look clearly.
223 pages
Langdon Street Press
ISBN 978-1-934938-79-9
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